Category: running a traffic light

Should I stop or should I go?

I believe that following rules of the road will keep us safe as drivers, but sometimes there are times you need to think outside the box. Red lights mean stop, but is there ever a time that stopping would be unsafe? Let’s stop and take a look at what I mean. I was approaching a…

Do you ever think “What if?”

Every day I hear about drivers who have crashed their vehicle into a tree, another vehicle or pedestrians. The follow up to the crash often explains how someone ran a red light, a stop sign or that road conditions affected the crash. Learning how to make good driving decisions takes time, proper training and a…

Do you trust me?

We were brought up learning not to trust other people. We couldn’t talk to strangers, go for rides with strangers or take candy from strangers. (Although I’m sure Halloween confuses small kids, don’t you think?) So, with all of this concern regarding strangers, why do we trust strangers when we drive? One of the most…