Category: safe driving

Canada’s Worst Driver…8

Well, it’s happening again; another season of Canada’s Worst Driver. This is the 8th season. When I first appeared as a judge during their first 3 seasons, I never thought it would last this long. Are there really that many people across our country who want to embarrass themselves on national television? Apparently there are….

Rude pedestrian = rude driver?

We tend to learn many things growing up that help us as we become a driver. For example, learning to ride a bike has helped us learn how to deal with traffic. What about being a pedestrian? Does that help us make driving choices as well; good or bad? I recently watched one of our…

Give me a couple of seconds…

When I speak with people and let them know the time I spend to do my job and the time I spend with my family, they often ask me how I fit it all into the days and weeks. I often ask myself the very same thing. We’re all busy these days and perhaps busier…

The “It won’t happen to me” club has a new member

We’ve all heard about distracted driving. If you haven’t, perhaps you were distracted. A lot of drivers become members of the “It won’t happen to me club” once they begin to drive. They usually drive as they want expecting crashes will only happen to other people and not themselves. Do you belong to that club?…

Are you a talker?

As a parent it’s always a great feeling when you child says their first word. After a few years, you really wonder what the big deal was because by now they won’t stop talking. As a society, we tend to talk a lot and sometimes when there’s no one there to talk to, we just…

Don’t forget your lunch!

Staying focused on things we’re doing can quite often be a challenge. We get so sidetracked in what we’re doing that we sometimes forget to complete our original tasks. Have you ever felt that way? You know; you start a task but end up doing something else and at some point you know you’ve forgotten…

How not to roll your vehicle…101

We’ve all made mistakes in our lives and in most cases, they were minor enough that we could get over them in a short period of time. I was brought up to respect other people and not to do things that would inconvenience other people. Were you brought up the same way? When I make…

Dew…and do not

I’ve often said how important visibility is to drivers. Without good visibility, you may miss important information while driving. Has that ever happened to you? As I’ll say to my students I’m teaching at Young Drivers of Canada, you drive with your eyes and your hands and feet are tools for your eyes. Part of…