Category: stop signs

For some drivers, what would it take…

Where ever I go I often get asked driving advice. People want the little bits of information that will either prove to them they’re doing what they’re supposed to do, or advice to help them with things they never really knew. Often the purpose of my articles is to inform drivers of both of those…

Driving without road signs

Ever since we were kids we were always told what to do. We either grew up with our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and even siblings telling us what we should do and should not do. For those who get married, that role is transferred over to our spouse. When we get a job our…

Time will tell…

There’s an old saying that “time heals all wounds”. Some of us believe it and some of us don’t. I think it really depends upon the situation and the person. We also hear people tell us that “time will tell”. In other words, if you wait long enough you’ll know if you were correct with…

Is it an accident or a collision?

We’ve grown up hearing how at times words can be hurtful. I’m sure we’ve all said things that we may regret later in life. We’ve also said things that essentially mean very little. I think it’s all about how you take what’s been said. To some people, words mean very little. They’re just words. To…

Changes can be tricky

As most people do, I like new things. I tend to buy new things for my family instead of myself, but I do like new things regardless. Sometimes doing something different is just what I need to change things around in my day. After all, who wants to do the same things over and over…

Steady pressure wins the money

We all know there are times when we push the envelope and try to get ahead. For many of us, we only think about the immediate and not about the future. But what about long term? Do we think about our long term goals or objectives enough, especially while driving? Probably not, but it’s never…

Funeral processions…the need to know

I recently had a long-time friend pass away. It was unexpected and was caused by a heart attack. I was able to attend the visitation but was unable to go to the funeral or travel to the cemetery for the burial. Ironically, I was also recently asked shortly afterwards about the responsibilities of drivers who…

Bump or hump; they do the same job

I’ll often remind my kids to do their chores, their homework and to get ready for school or activities. I’ll often write myself notes to do things so I won’t forget. We often need reminders to do things. Even licensed drivers need constant reminders too, which is why I write these driving articles. Speed limit…