Category: turning right

Why would I check my mirror? I’ve already been there.

Let’s face it; we tend to look at ourselves in the mirror. It’s not really about being vain. It’s more like wanting to know that you look presentable without having any food still stuck in your teeth. Some people check the mirror to see if their hair is still looking good. I don’t have that…

Missing your turn doesn’t have to happen…

Planning your route No one is perfect. We all make mistakes from time to time. However, after making a mistake do you learn from it? Can you think rationally after the mistake to pull it all together and complete what you wanted to do? Some people panic after making – in their mind – a…

Right of way is about giving, not taking

One of the discussions I seem to have on a monthly basis is about right of way. It seems to be confusing to many people; drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike. What’s your take on this confusing law? Do you have a solid understanding or does it confuse you every now and then? I often refer…

It`s your turn

Do you remember the old saying “You don’t know what you don’t know”? I used to dislike that saying but as I continued in road safety, I realized that rule summed up the driving knowledge and ability of many drivers. People tend to do what they know, regardless of whether it was sound or not….