Category: Uncategorized

Things drivers do that make you go… hmmm

Raising kids has taught me a lot. When my kids were very young they would often do or say things that made me laugh, made me cry and above all, made me think. Relating this to driving, which is something I always tend to do, there are things I see from drivers that make me…

I used to be indecisive, but now I’m not sure

Life throws us a lot of choices. Too many sometimes. We often can’t decide what to do, where to go, who to be with, etc. Driving itself has so many decisions each and every time we get behind the wheel it’s no wonder people get confused. To many people, multiple choices can lead to anxiety….

A summer survival kit every driver should have

Responding early to situations is far better than responding suddenly because if you don’t…well…it doesn’t always turn out so well. I often discuss being prepared for a winter breakdowns and having a winter driving survival kit prepared, but what about having a summer driving survival kit prepared? Is there really a need for one? When…

Being reliable takes effort

Reliability; we want it in our lives. Whether it’s in a life partner, a job, an employee or a vehicle, we rely on people and things to get us through our days, weeks, months and years. But what happens when they aren’t reliable? Some people get annoyed. Some others look for a replacement. Regardless of…

Reducing distracted driving…that works for me

As many people already know, I promote road safety all the time. Well, maybe not all the time. I do need to sleep a few hours a day, but other than that it really does seem like it’s all the time. Through verbal discussion, print, radio or television – it’s what I love to do….

If the unexpected is expected is it really unexpected?

Let’s face facts, there are a lot of things we trust in our lives, especially when it comes to driving. We trust drivers will stop at red lights and not blow through the intersection, we expect drivers will check to see if it’s clear before changing lanes and we never expect to get into a…

Head on collisions can be avoided…

Every now and then we’re faced with a surprise; and not a good kind of surprise like a birthday party, or tickets to the big game. Surprises that can put us into a panic are never a good thing. One of the worst kinds of surprises is the potential head on crash. Would you know…

Is spring vehicle maintenance really worth it?

Technically spring is here. I just confirmed with the calendar. In many places I don’t think Mother Nature checks the calendar. However, we do know milder weather will be upon us before we know it. This is a good time for some spring vehicle maintenance after a cold winter has passed through. Proper maintenance now…