Category: vehicle maintenance

Brake early…with no regrets

Hindsight; we’ve all experienced it from time to time. We end up doing things and after it’s done we wish we had done something else. How often does this happen to you? Perhaps a better question is how often does it happen to you while you’re driving? Do you regret making some of your driving…

Owning a vehicle is more than just putting gas in it

I was recently talking to my kids about my first car. I loved it, mainly because it was mine, but it did have its flaws. I overlooked what was wrong with the vehicle as I proudly drove it each day, but as time went on, I realized the responsibility of owning a vehicle wasn’t just…

What can you spare?

How many times have you been asked for spare change? Maybe you could spare a few minutes or do something in your spare time. What really is a spare? Is it a measure of time or is it something tangible? When it comes to driving, we should all have a spare…tire that is. When was…

A glimpse of a classic

For the most part, I do like surprises. Good surprises especially. I recently had one that still has me smiling. I had taken my snow blower in to be repaired and a friend of mine suggested a retired mechanic to do the work. When it was time to pick it up, I went with my…

Every now and then we may need a boost

Every now and then we all need a boost. Sometimes it’s an emotional boost from friends and family, but other times it’s a boost to get your vehicle running. Sometimes it’s both. Knowing how to properly boost a battery can save you time and frustration. How much do you know about boosting someone’s…battery? Luckily I…

Buying a new car…the NEED to know

Recently I was at the Canadian International Auto Show with my two young sons. It’s always fun to go to the Auto Show as many people found out. I had also taken my dad with me as he was looking for a new vehicle. He figures it may be within a year or so when…

Inflation costs us more than we think

Inflation; it’s everywhere. As we continue to trudge through our lives we continue to notice the high price of fuel, increases in food prices and the cost of living increases each year. We can’t seem to avoid the high cost of inflation no matter what we do. This was also true when I went to…

Winter washing woes

Looking after our vehicle is something we must all do, but do you think we shrug it off during winter weather? I’m sure you all realize that your vehicle needs mechanical checks before the snow begins to fly and that you need to prepare your vehicle for the cold temperatures, but is that enough? Do…