Category: visibility

Dew…and do not

I’ve often said how important visibility is to drivers. Without good visibility, you may miss important information while driving. Has that ever happened to you? As I’ll say to my students I’m teaching at Young Drivers of Canada, you drive with your eyes and your hands and feet are tools for your eyes. Part of…

Do we really need a sign?

You can’t see the forest because of the trees. Come on, open your eyes. You never find what you’re not looking for. We often hear about how important our eyesight is for a variety of things, but do we use it well enough considering that not everyone has the gift of sight? One of the…

Would you turn blind?

Turning left; it’s one of the most dangerous things we do while driving. Granted, driving in itself is always dangerous. Whether it’s distracted driving, poor road conditions, mechanical breakdown, whatever; it’s always dangerous. Most of the time, our vehicles can protect us with their safety features, but we’re not always that lucky. Considering that most…

An uplifting experience

I recently saw a vehicle pass me when I was driving through the city. I know that doesn’t seem unusual, but I actually never saw the driver. When I glanced to their vehicle, it appeared that no one was in the driver’s seat. The head restraint was the only thing I saw as they went…