Category: winter driving

Learning to drive in winter is a smart idea

A comment that we often hear is “Why should I learn to drive in the winter when the summer is so much nicer”. That may be true, but wouldn’t it be better to learn how to accelerate, brake and steer when road conditions are not normal when you can have an instructor sitting beside you?…

For drivers, what IS considered normal?

One of the common questions I’ve been asked by students I’m teaching at Young Drivers of Canada is “What is normal?” It seems to be a simple question, doesn’t it? I’ve answered it as ‘the same as always’ or ‘routine’. How often is something referred to as being normal compared to not normal? Do you…

Winter driving is so… mental!

As written in the Hamilton Mountain News for the November 22, 2012 edition. Like most people, I hate making mistakes. I get somewhat annoyed when I’ve forgotten something important. This is especially true when it’s something I do quite often. Do you ever feel the same way? Maybe I’m a procrastinator or maybe I’m just…

Give me a couple of seconds…

When I speak with people and let them know the time I spend to do my job and the time I spend with my family, they often ask me how I fit it all into the days and weeks. I often ask myself the very same thing. We’re all busy these days and perhaps busier…

Never get caught off guard

Every now and then you may get caught off guard. You may have visitors drop by unannounced while your house is a mess. Sometimes you may find yourself invited out for dinner, but you’re short on cash. What do you do in situations like that? Is there any way you can prepare for the unexpected?…

Winter washing woes

Looking after our vehicle is something we must all do, but do you think we shrug it off during winter weather? I’m sure you all realize that your vehicle needs mechanical checks before the snow begins to fly and that you need to prepare your vehicle for the cold temperatures, but is that enough? Do…

Your vehicle is like an infant

There isn’t a week that goes by when I have to ask at least one of my kids to go and have a shower. At every meal I also have to ask at least one of my four kids to wash their hands before they sit down at the dinner table. There’s a lot to…

How to get unstuck from the snow

Every now and then you may find yourself in deep snow after leaving work, school or home. If you have the necessary winter driving survival kit, you’ll be ok. If not, you’ve got some problems. Every vehicle should have the basic equipment such as a shovel, ice scraper and of course winter tires already on…