Category: Young Drivers of Canada

Teaching my son part two…turning it off

I recently wrote about teaching my son how to drive. It’s been a few weeks now so I thought I would give an update. First and foremost we haven’t tried to kill each other…yet. I still remind him of the first rule; if he doesn’t do what I say I’ll tell mom. So far that…

Teaching my son….part one

As parents we tend to teach our kids many things as they’re growing up. We teach our kids manners, how to speak, how to dress themselves and many other things. To some parents they also feel it’s their duty to teach their kids how to drive. That’s always a bit of a concern in most…

Start spreading the news….

April 2013 marks 25 years as a driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada. It’s quite a milestone in my eyes, but I never thought I would accomplish as much as a driving instructor as I’ve done thus far. When I began in 1988 I had a love of driving and of cars. I also…

Traffic signs aren’t all made of metal

As a sports fan you often hear how the athletes will anticipate what the other players may do before they do it. They can see the signs of the play based on the actions of the other players and respond early. It’s a good skill to have as an athlete, but also a good skill…

Did you know….

Living in a household with 4 kids, they will often learn things in school and then try to stump the rest of us when they get home with their new found information. I try to do the same things when I’m teaching students at Young Drivers of Canada, whether they are new drivers or seasoned…

Learning to drive in winter is a smart idea

A comment that we often hear is “Why should I learn to drive in the winter when the summer is so much nicer”. That may be true, but wouldn’t it be better to learn how to accelerate, brake and steer when road conditions are not normal when you can have an instructor sitting beside you?…

Does society require us to drive?

There are a lot of things that people within our society take for granted sometimes. We’ll take for granted that we’ll have food to eat every day, a roof over our heads and clothes on our back. To quite a few people those aren’t really reality. They work very hard week after week to keep…

The “It won’t happen to me” club has a new member

We’ve all heard about distracted driving. If you haven’t, perhaps you were distracted. A lot of drivers become members of the “It won’t happen to me club” once they begin to drive. They usually drive as they want expecting crashes will only happen to other people and not themselves. Do you belong to that club?…