Welcome to the Speed Bumps weekly podcast webpage!
Take a listen to my podcasts as a break from reading. But do come back to have a listen or a read soon!
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about preparing ourselves to drive in the cold weather, oh and checking your tire pressure too! Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
I’m baaaack! After a long time away from the mic, I thought I would drop in and say hi and tell you what’s on my mind. Tell me what’s on your mind too. You can email me directly at safedriver36@yahoo.ca or find me on Twitter at @SafeDriver or on TikTok at @thesafedriver.
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about what happens if you have a vehicle breakdown and what you should do. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about one of the worst seasons to drive in – road construction season, along with tips to make it more bearable. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about wearing seat belts, not because it’s the law, but because they can save lives. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about bicycle safety and the things drivers can do to help keep cyclist safe on the roads. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about the 34 years in road safety that I’ve experienced…including many things I never dreamed of doing. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about how to control the actions of a tailgater, plus…how to avoid tailgating altogether. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about driving in the spring on this first day of spring and how we have to look out for different things. I also talk about the need for spring maintenance of vehicle after a long winter. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about changing the culture of driving and reminding drivers we are all on the same team. Have a listen and remember to THINK. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk how being parked on the shoulder is never a good idea, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and a new season has arrived: pothole season. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk how promoting road safety does have its perks, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and how change only happens if you want it to happen. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I ask are you a “bad passenger” but a better driver, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and when is bad weather bad enough to stop driving? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I ask…why are so many drivers negative when hearing new driving tips, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and what are the best car chase movies? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about why blaming the driver ahead of you if you’re late is never a smart idea, another episode of “things to make you go huh” and how tailgating is never a smart idea. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about the global issues of road safety, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and how I hit the street to take to strangers about the high price of fuel. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about The goof that drivers did after a heavy snowfall, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and can a doorbell be a horn? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about helping the senior drivers in your family, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and do you have blind trust in your passenger? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about tire wear; bald isn’t beautiful, another episode of things to make you go huh?” and what’s up with lane ownership? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about keeping your vehicle visible, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and how learning never stops. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we reflect back at 2021 as a driver and the driving task. What have we learned from it to bring us into 2022? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we start off with a winter driving quiz, another episode of “things to make you go huh?” and a few winter driving do’s and don’ts. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we ask if there are things you avoid doing as a driver, another episode of “things that make you go huh?” and do you have enough patience while driving in adverse conditions? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we ask if driving while feeling sick is worth the risk, another episode of things that make you go huh? and being able to keep the pressure on… Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about skid control, another episode of “things that make you go huh” and do you personalize your vehicle? Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about the rules for bike lanes, another episode of things that make you go huh? and how we can win the parking lot battle! Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about drinking and driving: myth or fact part 1, another episode of things that make you go huh? and why winter tires are better than all-season tires during winter season. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about how the end of Daylight Savings Time affects drivers, another episode of “things that make you go huh?” and the top 10 unreliable vehicles of 2021. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about preparing your vehicle for winter starts in the fall, another episode of “Things to make you go huh?” and keeping an eye out for pedestrians, especially at night. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about changing the performance can help change the attitude, things that make you go “huh?” and a message to those who belong to the “it won’t happen to me club”. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk to a Tesla owner of the pluses and negatives of owning and driving a Tesla, I add a new segment called “Things to make you go ‘huh?’ and not all detours take too long. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about vehicle recalls and what they mean to you and how I recently helped a TikTok follower pass their road test! I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about signs to know when a senior should hang up their keys and are SUV’s worth it? I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I talk about when you should and should not use your hazard lights and when should you replace your tires? I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I discuss the top driving distractions and solutions and what type of vehicle crash happens most often? I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I discuss when a traffic ticket turns into a criminal charge and the top excuses drivers make after getting pulled over by the police. I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I ask if you prefer GPS, Google maps or radio traffic reports, what does road safety mean for your organization and I once hosted a driving show. I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, I ask; do you drive like your vehicle looks? I also provide back to school driving tips and how a driver blocked the sun…strangely. I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about failure to plan is planning to fail and how renting an exotic vehicle for one day will cost a driver thousands! I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about being a role model while in the vehicle how satisfying when karma kicks in! I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about simple tips to reduce distracted driving and the risks when loaning out (and borrowing) a vehicle. I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we ask how naive are some drivers and who does the driver’s license really belong to? I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about speeding fines around the globe and specific signs that drivers miss, especially one way streets. I’m now on TikTok! If you are too, come look for my videos! I’m @thesafedriver there. Please subscribe to these podcasts and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about learning from other driver’s mistakes and the problems about being in a hurry. Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about what if there was a driver’s re-test you had to do, who should teach your kid how to drive and the bonds I’ve had with my students while teaching them to drive. Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
n this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about driving through summer storms, how stunt driving laws have changed in Ontario and my interaction with someone who was a driving instructor in 2 different countries. Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about protecting your vehicle from auto theft, what to do if you’re involved in a collision and have you ever passed a police car? Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about a summer driving survival kit, how to cool down the interior of your car on a hot summer day and the perks of driving a convertible. Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about when you should and should not turn right on a red light, how you can become a better driver and how you can drive through the eye of the needle. Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line atsafedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk how electric vehicles aren’t so new, how some vehicles need to be exhausted and I have a confession! Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk how construction workers are not the law, how heat stroke can happen much quicker than you may realize and did you know vehicle tires used to be white? Please subscribe and if you would like me to do podcasts for you or to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk how some drivers are “forced” to drive aggressively, how there are alternatives to drinking and driving and when you see a road safety risk, do you call it in? Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about how you adjust to traffic jams, is there drive-thru etiquette and the issues of towing a trailer. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about motorcycle awareness, what my driving pet peeves are and the mystery of the missing car. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we discuss how checking the mirror is something we can all reflect on, how we can safely determine if we should stop when the green light changes and are you a backseat driver? Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we discuss how your driving affect more people than just you, how spring time = play time and how riding a bike as a kid taught me how to drive a car. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we ask…is your neck rubber? We also talk about dealing with potholes on the road and just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s safe. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about how to drive safely near motorcyclists, how April showers bring issues to drivers and how much respect do you have…for yourself? Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we discuss that you never find what you’re not looking for, that doing a walkaround of your vehicle is a good idea and about my student fell out of my vehicle. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about how to avoid a head-on collision, as drivers do we feel entitled to drive and how times have changed as I now helped my dad buy a vehicle. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about preparing your vehicle for spring driving, how to keep your kids amused on road trips and we talk about good driving footwear. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we discuss a true test to avoid a collision, how to deal with an aggressive driver and how tough it really can be to teach teens how to drive. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, how Daylight Savings Time affects drivers, how you can be a smart AND competitive driver and how many people look over to see what annoying drivers look like! Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”… driving into the sunset is not always romantic, how sharing the road with cyclists I so important and proof that I’m a helpful guy when it comes to driving! Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we talk about the eating lane. We also talk inflation and talk about a little ice. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we talk about a sign, sign, everywhere a sign. We also discuss how to avoid having a dead battery and how I came across a stalker in a parking lot. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” We talk about backing up; when and where, too young or too irresponsible to drive and have you ever lost your car? Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about window tint – how much is too much and how much is enough, sharing the road with pedestrians and what you should know about washing your vehicle. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about getting caught, parking lot mayhem and how I influenced my kids about driving. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about why the difference between stopping and slowing at a stop sign is important, what my pet peeve really is and a story about Canada’s Worst Driver. Please subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we talk about who you should trust, how a new year brings new challenges and about the guy who SAW me on the radio. Subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll talk about how to use roundabouts correctly and safely. How modern technology has hurt us in case of emergencies and how some home repairs on vehicles have a lot to be desired. Subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcasts, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we’ll talk about useful driving hacks to make your life easier, how driving tips told to us by our parents/grandparents are sometimes out of date and we’ll talk about Canada’s Worst…. Gas station. Subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcast, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll talk about ways to help you improve your fuel economy, why seat belts should never be ignored and exactly what your winter driving survival kit should contain. Subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcast, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll discuss the need for a brighter future, how not paying attention could mean a life and we’ll ask the question, are you a honky? Subscribe and if you would like to sponsor these podcast, drop me a line at safedriver36@yahoo.ca
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast”, we’ll discuss the responsibility of driving a company vehicle, how you can avoid road raging both as the giver and the receiver and we’ll weigh in on having a 2 door vehicle versus a 4 door vehicle.
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll talk about anti-lock brakes, how to reduce the anxiety of winter driving and learn about a strange, modern device vehicles now have.
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll get deep into what distracted driving really is, how some drivers have joined a club without realizing it and we’ll take a look at the strange things people do in their vehicle.
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll talk about you and see if you’re really a good driver, we’ll also talk about following the rules and why we should PLUS, are you a superstitious driver? We’ll find out if you are!
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll tale about helping a trucker, how the lights are on but nobody is home and how I have no standards whatsoever.
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we discuss patience behind the wheel, how to recognize and fight off drowsy driving and my personal interest with tow truck operators. Keep listening and subscribe!
In this episode of “Speed Bumps – A Safe Driving Podcast” we’ll take a look at the issues of driving at night, what the move over law is and my experiences working with Canada’s Worst Driver.
In this episode we’ll discuss the proper way to merge onto a freeway/highway/expressway, how helping others also helps you and how I knew I made the right choice to be in driver training.
In this episode, we’ll talk winter tires versus all-season tires, learn the facts about airbags and you may be surprised with how little I paid for my first car many years ago when I was a teen.
In this episode, we’ll talk about being spaced out while driving, why texting while stopped is not only illegal but dangerous and we’ll realize that even the big bosses are human.
In this episode we’ll talk about people who have the need for speed, just how good are the advanced technology we have in modern vehicles and you’ll hear about students who attacked me, one way or another.
This episode introduces “Speed bumps – A safe driving podcast” and also discusses the following… What constitutes as tailgating? How do you support your kids when they begin to drive? How old is old when learning to drive for the first time?
Recent Comments
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- Mike Morr on Are drivers bad, selfish, unaware, distracted or just lack common sense?
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