How to upgrade your car on a sensible budget

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver.

Is your car looking a bit rusty on the edges? Even if your vehicle is close to a decade old, it’s never too late to upgrade certain components. Upgrades can be super simple, costly, and everything else in between. Here are several tips that would help you upgrade your car without spending a fortune:

Buy a Heating, Messaging Seat Cover

Newer vehicles come with neat gimmicks like seats that automatically get warm in winter. Some really cool vehicle models have seats that can vibrate to massage the passenger’s head. If your old vehicle doesn’t have a fancy seat like this, don’t despair. You can install seat covers that offer similar features.

Seat covers with heating options are widely available on online retail stores, and even traditional retailers like Bed, Bath, and beyond. You can buy one of these for as cheap as $50. But the costs can go high depending on the features, of course.

If you are willing to spend several hundred dollars, you can get seat covers with both warming and vibrating options. If you are out of money, consider a small cash loans available in your area. Small loans are easy to pay back, and in the end you would have a really nice vehicle seat to spend long hours in traffic.

Get a Parking Sensor

Parking sensors are one of those gizmos that not only seem cool, but also offers a very useful function. A parking sensor is attached to the back of the car. It activates when you put the vehicle into reverse. And it goes off if you are about to hit something. Aftermarket parking sensors are very affordable so don’t miss out on this.

Install a Car Trash Can

Is the interior of your vehicle looking, well, horrible? The seats and the floors can easily get ruined because of trash. How many times have thrown out a crushed soda can on the backseat in a hurry? If you have kids, the interior of your vehicle may look a bit like the rooms they refuse to clean.

There’s a really simple solution to dirty interiors: Get a vehicle-specific trash can. You won’t need a car loan to buy a trash bag that hangs over the seat headrest or a bin you can install on the floor. The benefits, however, are enormous. Some vehicle trash bags can act as additional storage as well. Overall, it’s a need little upgrade that would help you keep your vehicle looking nice and clean.

Replace the In-Vehicle Speaker System with Bluetooth Stereo

Today’s vehicles are so futuristic, most models now come with smart gadgets like speakers you can talk to. You don’t have to buy a new vehicle to get this speaker. You can instead purchase a Bluetooth stereo system for your vehicle at affordable prices around $100.

So how does it work? The Bluetooth connects your car stereo to your smartphone. That means you can access audio files and phone calls from the dashboard of your vehicle. You won’t have to hold onto the handheld device, putting your life at risk on the road.

There you have it. Affordable but highly useful ways to upgrade your vehicle. Which upgrades are you excited about the most?