Teaching the public about sober driving…one breathalyzer at a time

I enjoy sports and have for most my life. I enjoy watching and playing. As I get older, I tend to watch more than I play. As many people can attest to, golf is one of those games that will attract young and old to the courses. I have played golf as well and look forward to the last hole; the 19th hole if you would. Heading into the clubhouse for a beer or 2 is always a nice way to end the round, especially on a hot day. However, as some golfers would attest to, that 1 or 2 beers can escalate quickly. And the worst part, they drove to the golf course and therefore feel it important to drive home. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

No longer is it acceptable to down a few drinks and head off home after relaxing with friends. It’s been socially unacceptable for years, even though some establishments seem to shrug it off. Other establishments aren’t really sure what they can do, short of calling the police if someone wants to drive after drinking too much over a short period of time. But there are safe solutions.

If golf courses had single-use breathalyzers on hand to give to each golfer when they received their bill at the bar in the clubhouse, their decision to leave their vehicle until the next day may increase. Teaching the general public more about the responsibility of sober driving is an ongoing battle, but working together is always an option. Changing the habit of those who drink to have alternative transportation after they drink is the direction our lives must turn. Not Your Child Corp is a company willing to help change the attitude and habits of those in our communities.

Single-use breathalyzers are not expensive and if bought in bulk, cost very little. If you own/manage a golf course, bar, restaurant, casino, etc. which sells alcohol, think of the impression you would have with the community if you were helping customers determine if they should find an alternative way to get home. Not Your Child Corp has just what you need.

Single-use breathalyzers are very inexpensive, yet so valuable to provide knowledge if your customers are sober enough to drive home. In many jurisdictions, an establishment which sells alcohol has a responsibility to their customers which extends past when they leave the establishment. Intoxication appears differently from one person to the next, but offering a single-use breathalyzer can remove any guesswork whether the customer has consumed too many drinks to drive home safely and legally. Alternative transportation could then be arranged so everyone is safe. However, arranging alternative transportation prior to heading to the bar is always a good plan.

Being below the legal limit of alcohol doesn’t always mean someone is able to drive home. Other factors such as fatigue, illness or medication can also affect how you’ll drive even if your blood-alcohol level is below the maximum level. In many jurisdictions, there can also be a warning level which comes with a 3 day license suspension. Knowing someones blood alcohol level has dropped significantly can remove the guesswork and allow them to make a responsible decision.

Think of these breathalyzers as a tool of the business. Showing that you care as a business owner or manager may lead to producing more customers for your business. It would certainly show your golf course, bar, restaurant or casino as a leader within the industry to ensure their customers can arrive home safely. And that helps other road users get home safely too.