4 ways to be more eco-friendly – on and off the road

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver.


With increasing new coverage on the state of the world, its forests and oceans, cityscapes and farmland, people ask themselves: how can I make a difference? How do you make choices that ensure there is a healthy, happy planet for generations to come?

In part, the responsibility falls on manufacturers and governments, who have the power to make broad scale policy and operating changes that positively impact the environment. But individuals can help as well.

Whether you’re considering a new commuter car or considering home renovations for the summer, you can make impactful decisions to conserve resources and curb emissions. In this post, let’s look at a few ways – both minor and major – that you can be more ecofriendly on and off the road.

Stop Idling

Between 10 and 30 seconds: that’s how long experts recommend you should idle your car. Any longer than that, you are adding undue pollutants into the atmosphere. Before 10-30 seconds, the exhaust expended upon ignition outweighs the adverse effects of idling.

It’s a tough prospect in the winter when drivers need to idle their car for it to warm up. But this is more of a guideline for those everyday situations: when you’re waiting to pick someone up, when you’ve pulled over to the side of the road to take a call or when you’re stuck in unmoving traffic.

Take the Plunge: Consider an Electric Car

If money permits, and you are on the hunt for a new car anyways, consider the electric vehicle. A far cry from the e-cars of old, modern electric cars can be every bit as peppy and fun as their fueled counterparts. As a bonus, you save money at the pump.

Among car-lovers, it has taken a long time for electric cars to be normalized. No, they don’t make the buzz-saw engine noises. No, they don’t carry that sweet smell of gasoline. But they are highly functional, cost-effective and good for the environment.

Replace Your Home’s Old Windows

At home, your options for conserving energy are multitudinous. But perhaps the single best thing you can do is to replace those old windows. Improperly installed, improperly sealed, or ageing windows waste energy. They are like having several small holes in your home, where heating and cooling can escape.

To upgrade, find a trusted window manufacturer in London with a commitment to energy efficiency and building quality. Have an expert installer do the job; you don’t want to risk improperly installing new windows just because you want a DIY project. With your new windows, you’ll find that the amount due on your monthly bills will drop significantly.

Reduce Your “Phantom Power”

It sounds like the name of an 80s hair metal band, but in fact, “phantom power” is the energy your appliances use when not in active use. When your TV, computer, printer, stand mixer, coffee maker, etc., stay plugged in, they continue to use energy. Think of it as idling for appliances. When your electronics aren’t in use, get into the habit of unplugging.

Whether you’re on the road or in your home, there are simple ways to conserve energy and reduce emissions. Above are four fantastic ways to start, but check out your local energy and efficiency guidelines for more tips!