11 of the most common car accident injuries

As written for The Safe Driver.


Every day, more than 3,700 people globally die in road crashes. Those who sustain injuries are 10x more.

Some people are lucky and only come out with mild injuries. Sadly, others sustain very severe injuries that do not only cause impairment but also need lifelong care.

No matter how severe the injuries are, the victims are advised to immediately seek medical care and hire a car accident attorney.

This guide will discuss the most common car accident injuries that people suffer. Read through them to know their implications and how you should handle them.

  1. Brain and Head Injuries

Head injuries affect the scalp, the skull, or the brain. Their effects range from mild to severe. Most of these injuries are caused by head-to-head collision accidents, although rollover accidents can also cause them.

There are two main types of head injuries: the open and the closed. Closed injuries are mild because they do not penetrate the skull. The open injuries take place beneath the skull, and they require careful examination from a skilled doctor.

Here are the common symptoms to look out for:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Ear, eye, or nose pain
  • Seizures
  • Memory loss

Visible cuts could also be an indication that you have head/brain injuries. Don’t ignore any sign which implies that your head/brain is in danger.

  1. Neck Injuries

Most people who sustain head injuries suffer neck injuries too. But sometimes, the neck injuries can be independent according to the nature of the car accident.

Whiplash is a common type of neck injury. It happens after a sudden head movement during a minor auto accident. The whiplash effects are minor, and they are associated with mild effects.

Neck strain is another type of neck injury. It happens when you strain your head or the upper body too much during the accident. The last type of neck injury is disc pain caused by the dislocation of the vital back muscles.

Here are common symptoms of neck injuries:

  • Neck pain
  • Visible inutile
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Neck stiffness/numbness

Treatment plans for neck injuries are unique, depending on the degree of the injuries. If the injuries are mild, then a few massage therapies or epidural injections could be enough.

For extreme cases, a discectomy can be done to identify the damaged nerves/muscles and correct them.

  1. Chest Injuries

Like head injuries, chest pains are serious and happen after a severe tragic accident. Mostly, these injuries are caused by the seat belt.

Though the belt is meant to offer protection, it can sometimes tighten your chest in a bid to hold you in place. Too much tightening can dislocate some muscles or cause adverse effects on the chest nerves.

Besides the belt, you may also sustain severe chest pain if a heavy object falls on your back or chest. Here are the common symptoms of chest injuries:

  • Chest pain
  • Painful breathing
  • Rib fractures
  • Headache
  • Sharp coughs or bleeding

Chest injuries can be associated with spleen or liver injuries. They can also be brought forth by trachea or lung injuries. The best action you should take is to seek immediate care and work with a reputable caregiver.

  1. Facial Injuries

A facial injury can be traumatizing and frightening. This is because the face creates the first impression, and its injury can lower your self-esteem in addition to the costly medications.

The obvious sign of a facial injury is broken facial bones. These bones could be the upper and the lower jaw, the forehand, the chin, or the cheekbone.

Here are other signs of facial injuries after an auto accident:

  • Nose bleeding
  • Facial swelling
  • Eyesight issues
  • Bruising
  • Restricted jaw movements

Like in the other cases, you should seek medical attention when you feel any pain in your face. Also, you should reach out to your injury accident lawyer to help you get justice.

  1. Back Injuries

The spine supports the entire body organs. Sadly, this vital bone is also prone to injuries in case of auto accidents.

The bone is usually surrounded by muscles, ligaments, nerves, and discs. When any of the surrounding parts are injured, the spine becomes weak, causing back pains.

The spinal cord can also get fractures if the accident is severe. Here are the main types of back injuries:

  • Lumbar spine injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Thoracic spine injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

The common symptoms for back pain injuries are swelling, restricted movements, pain and tenderness, visible injuries, or bruising.

If the back pain injury is severe, then you may become disabled. It’s, therefore, imperative to seek legal assistance as soon as possible. The right lawyer should help you initiate car accident claims to get compensation for the pains.

  1. Psychological Injuries

People focus too much on physical injuries and forget about mental pains. The mental effects are more painful, and they can cause lifelong impacts.

The common types of physiological injuries are:

  • Uncontrollable crying
  • Depression
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Sleep problems
  • Unexplainable weight loss and loss of appetite

At times, you may not notice that you have a physiological injury unless someone else notices. Also, you may be in denial to recover, and the denial may worsen the situation.

If you suspect that an auto accident has affected your mental health, then you should visit a counsellor. You should also seek justice by hiring a great personal injury lawyer. The lawyer can help you get compensation for the income and happiness lost.

  1. Internal Injuries

Internal injuries are the most dangerous types of auto accident injuries. They can result in death if they are not taken care of within the shortest time possible.

The primary type of internal injuries is brain bleeding, whereby the bleeding prevents the circulation of oxygen into the brain. Other internal injuries include organ bleeding, spleen/liver rapture, broken ribs, and so on.

You can’t know you have an internal injury unless you consult a health expert. However, these symptoms could help you know you have an internal injury:

  • Cold feeling
  • Abdominal pains
  • Cramps
  • Paleness
  • Light-headedness
  • Fatigue

Note that you may suffer an internal injury even if you have been involved in a minor accident. Therefore, the best action to take is to seek health care help and hire a lawyer for legal help.

  1. Knee Injury

A knee is one of the most critical body parts to be injured. It keeps the body flexible through moving and sitting. Its injury can, therefore, result in immediate or gradual movement restrictions.

A twist or a bend causes knee injuries. For instance, you may hit a sharp or blunt object during the accident or twist your leg unknowingly. The main types of knee injuries include strains, fractures, dislocations, tears, and so on.

The main signs of knee injuries are:

  • Keen pain
  • Visible swelling
  • Inability to sit or stand well

Treatment for knee accident injuries depends on the severity and age of the victim. If the injury is mild, then therapy may be enough. For extreme cases, you may undergo surgery and a compulsory rest too.

You should have an X-ray to know the extent of the damage before you initiate any treatment.

  1. Cuts and Lacerations Injuries

Cuts are common to humans. But, they can cause excessive bleeding and other adverse health effects when unattended.

Lacerations are common to motor vehicle accident victims, although they can happen to anyone. Here are the main types of cuts and lacerations. Their severity depends on how deep they cut through the skin.

  • Superficial cuts- affect the upper skin
  • Deep laceration- affects all the three layers of the skin
  • Complicated laceration- affects all the layers of the skin plus muscles and ligaments

All types of cuts and wounds can be contaminated if not cleaned well. You should clean them well and cover them to avoid infections. You should also seek legal help if the wounds affect your daily life.

  1. Arm and Leg Injuries

Arms and legs consist of hard bones, ligaments, muscles, and soft tissues. Any effect on those parts can cause serious complications, which include impairment.

The arm and leg bones break when you hit a massive dashboard during the accidents. The bones may twist, bend, or even get a fracture. The main types of arm and leg injuries are:

  • Dislocated joints
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Nerve damages
  • Meniscus tears

The symptoms of these injuries are associated with excess pains, swelling, and difficulty moving or holding things. The available treatment options for arm and leg injuries include therapies, amputations, and so on. The ideal treatment depends on the severity of the injury.

  1. Burn Injuries

Burn injuries occur when the vehicle you were traveling in catches fire. The injuries may also happen when your skin comes in contact with hot fluids, steam, or hot chemicals in the accidents.

Burn accidents fall into three main categories:

  • First degree burns- they appear red, but the skin remains unaffected
  • Second-degree burns -they are accompanied by blisters and skin thickening
  • Third-degree burns -they are extensive and can affect the bones

Like the other injuries, you should take the burns seriously, even if they are not extensive.

Understand the Common Car Accident Injuries

Accident victims sustain many types of injuries, but the above are the main ones. If you or your dear one has been involved in an accident, use the above information to assess your injuries.

Also, seek medical help and reach out to a reputable accident lawyer. The right lawyer will help you know more about the common car accident injuries and facilitate your claims application process.

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