If only drivers could use hindsight to avoid collisions…if only

They often say that hindsight is 20-20. I’m not exactly sure who “they” are, but the saying has some merit. If only we knew what was going to happen before we did it. Surprisingly, we do know what was to happen before we do the action. Well, mostly. I’m typically referring to driving actions. Doing certain things behind the wheel can often cause a negative result. The only issue is that because for all the many times drivers do the actions, they often get away with doing it without any negative results. Until that one day when they went too far.

For the most part, daily collisions on the expressway/highway often have 2 or more vehicles involved. Often because of tailgating. The lead driver hits the brake harshly, but the driver(s) behind have very little time to react after seeing the brake lights happen. If only they had enough time to see the brake lights, enough time to get to the brake and enough time to stop without the driver behind hitting them. If only they used the proper following distance measurement seconds instead of using car length to measure the distance, especially since car lengths were never the way to measure following distance. If only…

Since many collisions happen at intersections, turning left has often been regarded as one of the riskiest things we do as a driver. Drivers who tend to be in a hurry, attempt to make that left turn ahead of the approaching vehicles, believing they can make it through the intersection safely. We all know that won’t always happen, which is why head on collisions or side impact (T-bone) crashes happen. If only they could judge the speed of approaching vehicle to determine if it’s safe to make a turn. And if they weren’t sure if it were safe, could wait until they were certain. If only they weren’t in a hurry to go. If only…

There always seems to be people speeding. Despite what their excuse is, there’s no reason to drive excessively fast on public roads. Showing yourself or your passengers that your vehicle can go that fast or that you have the ability and nerve to do it on public roads, proves nothing except that you’re a risk taker among innocent people. If only there were other ways to show your ability to go fast. Taking your pleasure to the racetrack is a safe and controlled way to get that out of your system. If you speed because you’re late, you could leave sooner so you’re not tempted to place you and other road users at risk of injury or death from your actions. If only…

I’m not sure I know anyone who comes to a full stop at stop signs. Many feel it’s an inconvenience to stop, so they slow down enough that they figure they won’t get a ticket. I’ve been told they feel they’re losing time if they had to come to a full stop at each stop sign. If only that were true. After leaving the residential area, these same drivers reach red lights and stopped traffic so they would have to stop anyway. If only these drivers used a bit of logic and responsibility to come to a full stop at stop signs. Then pedestrians and other drivers wouldn’t be so confused with who should move next and it may save lives of pedestrians who are attempting to cross. If more drivers came to full stops, it may even become safer for everyone. If only…

If only drivers would use some logic and some hindsight before they make these actions. Just maybe the roads would become safer, even for them. If only…

**Additional discussion for the need to stop at stop signs can be heard on this short episode of the “Speed Bumps” podcast!