Time to listen to the experts

As much as we often believe our own information, sometimes we need to go beyond our own thoughts. We’re not the experts in many of the fields so what makes it right that we should take our own advice when we have nothing to base our information on? If you want to use the information you have, at least verify that it’s the right information. Shouldn’t we go to the experts to get our information from those who have studied it and research it? Wouldn’t that make more sense?

We use experts in law, medicine, engineering, fire prevention, policing and so many more throughout our lives to inform us and give us the information we need. They spend years dedicated to their chosen path to educate themselves before they begin educating the public. They dive deep into the subject to ensure they have the knowledge base to inform others. Trusting them and a variety of people like them would make a lot of sense to me. They would know a lot more than many of us. True, we may know some of what they know, but not everything. They are the trusted experts. The same can be said in road safety.

I spend my time researching information to ensure drivers of all experiences can benefit from it. I need to do that for my job as a professional road safety expert. Training new driving instructors means I have to have the attention to detail. I have to know the little things and be able to explain it. Stating information without explaining the little things, especially if people have questions makes me unreliable. We need to find reliable facts to base our opinions on.

Now, if you really want to find out the facts, research it over a few reputable sources before deciding if it’s true. That’s what I do. I research material to determine if it’s true or just someone’s opinion. I often have people disagreeing with me and that’s okay. They’ve made their decision to not agree with me and they have to live their own life. But getting your information off of Facebook or a friend and nothing more…does that really make sense? Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of reputable sites, but checking out 3 or so would be better than taking it off one site. This is especially if all 3 are saying the same things.

There has to be a lot of trust in people in order to make the right choices, including while driving. We should not just listen to the suggestion but also to the explanation of why. Knowing why we should do specific things should help us understand things better. This is what the experts can do for us. Not only give us information but also explain why we should do that. We need to trust them. If you want to trust your own opinions, that’s fine, but ensure you know why those opinions are the best option and not just the way you feel.

Doing the research makes your opinion more accountable. More educated. Being able to support your opinion would also give you credibility. Yes, many people are opinionated, but make it an informed opinion. That’s my opinion.