Category: driver attitude

Are drivers bad, selfish, unaware, distracted or just lack common sense?

I’m a watcher. I watch what drivers do on a daily basis. Good drivers blend into the background so well that many people fail to see them act responsibly on the road. However, the drivers who do things that you may question stand out in a crowd. They make poor driving choices that also affect…

Make improvements, not excuses

For some people, accepting the truth can be tough, especially if the truth is negative. It’s tough for some to realize they’ve made a mistake or did something wrong. Is it self-pride? Perhaps, but where do we draw the line? Excuses are made-up reasons people create to remove any personal blame of errors. It can…

As drivers, we need to be more helpful

In a current world of negatives, we must keep looking for the positives. Positive stories help bring our mood up and can create an attitude toward the day which can become more positive. Too many negatives can lead to depression and an angry attitude, especially while driving. I was brought up to help people when…

You can’t fix…well, you know

I do think most people have done something in their lives they regret, something that if they could back in time they would it differently. There may even be some remorse with their actions. However, I also believe there are also people out there that have no remorse for what they’ve done wrong. So much…