You can’t fix…well, you know

I do think most people have done something in their lives they regret, something that if they could back in time they would it differently. There may even be some remorse with their actions. However, I also believe there are also people out there that have no remorse for what they’ve done wrong. So much that they would most likely do it again. Perhaps the only remorse is for getting caught. This was the case recently with a new driver.

A novice driver, someone with just a beginner’s license, was first pulled over because they were speeding. They were clocked at doing 105 km/h in a 60 km/h zone and zipped past a police office. That’s not a slight slip. Going that far over the speed limit you could say was intentional. Traveling say 10 km/h over the limit could be considered a momentary loss of what you’re doing. Being caught for speeding over 40 km/h over the speed limit was the beginning.

It really seems like they were in so much of a hurry they forgot everything. This novice driver is allowed to drive provided they have a fully licensed driver sitting beside them. They forgot them as they were alone. Every driver must carry their driver’s license, ownership and proof of insurance each time they drive. They left their documents at home too. Those items, along with excessive speeding showed something about their character.

After receiving their tickets, they decided to get back into their vehicle and drive away. Huh? In front of the police officer who had just issued a ticket? They were pulled over 300 metres down the road and ticketed again. Some people learn from their mistakes. Well, at least learn what not to do. Not this driver. This driver apparently should learn they really should not be driving. And after these tickets, they may not be able to afford to drive.

Just the points associated to their abuse and lack of remorse for their driving actions would mean trouble down the road, so to speak. Receiving point up to 2 to 5 points they would a warning letter. It warns them they need to take more responsibility of their driving actions. If that doesn’t change their attitude or they can’t improve their driving and get at least 6 points, they will be sent a second warning letter encouraging them to improve their driving attitude…or else. Once they receive 9 or more points, their driver’s license will be suspended for 60 days.

Based on their attitude so far, do you think they may drive without a license if they do get suspended? And by the way, because they are a novice driver, they do not need insurance. That’s because the licensed driver who is supposed to be sitting next to them would have insurance. Their insurance would cover anything that may go wrong. Not having insurance means nothing is covered to the vehicle they’re driving if a collision happened. If they collided with another driver, that driver’s insurance would cover them but not the uninsured driver.

As experienced drivers, we know things can escalate very quickly within the driving environment. Having the proper attitude right from the beginning can make a huge difference. I know this is a line that’s repeated often enough, but driving is a privilege. It looks like that novice driver could lose theirs if they don’t make an attitude adjustment.

**Have a quick listen to this short episode of the “Speed Bumps” podcast as it discusses the need for following the rules!