Category: driver visibility

Driving with allergies is nothing to sneeze at

Spring and summer bring many great things to people. The warmer weather brings us outside more often to enjoy activities but for some of us, it can also be problematic with allergies. How do you deal with your allergies while driving? Do they make your eyes itchy or water? Do you sneeze more often? Does…

Talk is cheap

Talk is cheap. We know that. I often try to prove what I’m trying to get across whenever I’m training someone how to drive at Young Drivers of Canada. There’s an old saying that “it’s more difficult to argue with yourself than it is with someone else”. If I can get someone to buy into…

Winter driving “do’s”

I recently wrote about a few of the common things that drivers need to stop doing while driving in winter weather, so I thought it would be a good time to write about things that we, as drivers should do. To some, this may seem like common sense, but experience has shown me this isn’t…

How much should you clear off?

I know we’re in a hurry these days, or so it seems. We tend to exaggerate how long things will take us to complete so we cut corners and take chances. The reality is that these chances can affect us and those around us more than we may think. This is certain when it comes…

Time will tell…

There’s an old saying that “time heals all wounds”. Some of us believe it and some of us don’t. I think it really depends upon the situation and the person. We also hear people tell us that “time will tell”. In other words, if you wait long enough you’ll know if you were correct with…

Canada’s Worst Driver…Ever!?

Well, they’re back. Another season of Canada’s Worst Driver has returned. This is season nine, but with a little bit of a twist compared to the previous eight seasons. If you’ve watched the series each of the first eight seasons, I’m sure you’ll recognize some of the participants. The producers have brought back previous participants…

The best way to use high beam headlights…

I enjoy teaching and spending time with people. It’s been fun teaching my own son how to drive and recently he had a chance to drive on a dark rural road at night. I know many people would refuse that type of drive, but he actually asked to drive as we were heading off to…

Consider this a warning

We’ve grown up listening to warnings. Our parents warned us of what was dangerous to us and many products have warning labels on them. It’s helpful to have these warnings, provided you notice the warnings. The same can be said about driving. We have so many warning signs on our daily commute, but do you…