Category: flow of traffic

Is it only illegal if you get caught?

How often do you find yourself running late? When you do, how often do you forget things or take chances because you’re late? I would often forget specific books when I slept in for school. It normally annoyed me when I made those mistakes, which usually forced my hand to make other mistakes. Most of…

When is slowing down not slow enough?

Have you ever had the feeling of doing something wrong but didn’t quite know what it was you were doing wrong? Many drivers across our great land have the same feeling while leaving a freeway or other fast moving roadway. They apply the brakes and begin to slow down only they aren’t going slow enough….

Do one way streets confuse you too?

Things we’ve grown up with; playing with our friends in the park, riding a bike, going to school and… looking both ways before crossing the street. Remember how your parents always taught you to do that as pedestrians and now as parents we teach our own kids to do the same thing? Should we continue…

Driving on public roads is a team sport

I love team sports; baseball, hockey, basketball, hockey just to name a few. My wife and I had put our kids into team sports to teach them fair play and to learn to work together with others. It’s worked out well for the most part. There’s another team sport that has billions of people around…

Plan the escape or use the escape?

Many things often come in bunches. We’ve often heard that good things come in three’s; but what about bad things? Do they come in three’s too? After the week I’ve just had, I would certainly think so! The risky week started when I was stopped in traffic at a red light. Monitoring my mirror while…

Do you have respect for yourself?

One of the main jobs we have as parents is to teach our kids to respect other people and their property. My parents did the same thing with my sister, brother and I and that allowed me to understand what it takes as a parent. We were constantly told to stay off the neighbour’s front…

Would you turn blind?

Turning left; it’s one of the most dangerous things we do while driving. Granted, driving in itself is always dangerous. Whether it’s distracted driving, poor road conditions, mechanical breakdown, whatever; it’s always dangerous. Most of the time, our vehicles can protect us with their safety features, but we’re not always that lucky. Considering that most…

What goes around comes around

Growing up I believed that doing a good deed would bring a good deed back to me. You know, what goes around comes around. In all fairness, the evil deeds also work that way too. Karma, or fate if you prefer, is something I do believe in. I also believe that you have to work…