Category: flow of traffic

Being in a hurry hurts more than yourself

Currently, for at least twice a week my eldest son has to get up an hour earlier than his siblings so he can get to band practice. Sometimes he drags his butt out of bed at the last minute and rushes off to school. Like most others who are late, he’s in a bit of…

Being a selfish driver hurts you too

We often find ourselves in traffic jams from time to time. We all know that in rush hour no one is really rushing anywhere. There are often too many vehicles for the road to handle. Think of it as the same as a crowded hallway. Too many people walking in the same direction will often…

Stop acting like a 3 year old and share…

From the 20110818 edition of the Hamilton Mountain News written by Scott Marshall Share and share alike; that’s what we’ve been told as a child growing up. We were taught to share our toys, share our candy and share our friends. For some reason though, we stop sharing when we start driving. Sharing the…

Look in the mirror before judging others

I had recently taken my vehicle into the dealership for service and required a drive to my office after they had taken my vehicle and keys. As usual, there were other people in the shuttle to be whisked away to their destinations. I tend to keep quiet while on my journey to work. Other passengers…

Smile, you’re on candid camera!

I remember as a kid trying to keep up to my dad. He walked a lot faster than I did, but to me, it always seemed like he was in a hurry. As I got older I realized he wasn’t in a hurry; he just had longer legs than I had. When we drove around…

Driving and road hockey are alike

Being a driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada has taught me a lot about raising my kids, and raising my kids has taught me a lot about being a driving instructor. I’ve taught my kids to believe in themselves, but to be cautious when dealing with other people. The same can be said about…

Speeders controlled by aircraft?

Even though my oldest son is only 14 years old right now, he’s very eager to learn how to drive. He’s already learned the meaning of most road signs and does ask questions quite often about why certain drivers did certain actions. Every now and then I get asked questions from other members of my…

You CAN fight against Murphy’s Law and win

Things happen for a reason. We all know that. We don’t have to like it, but we should at least accept it. Our friend Murphy always keeps us on our toes. You know what I mean; Murphy’s Law seems to rule our lives too many times. Since Murphy’s Law always seems to rear its ugly…