Category: lane changes

The art of lane changes – the how and when

Learning how to make a safe change takes practice and skill. Knowing when to make those lane changes takes even more skill. Although many drivers avoid making lane changes, they should really take the opportunity to make them when they can make their driving experiences better and more enjoyable. To begin with, the safest and…

Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s safe

We’re busy, I get that. Even during these days it’s as if there isn’t enough hours in the day to do what we have to do. A lot of our time is spent in our vehicle. Many drivers are so focused on getting to their destination they may not realize some of the risky things…

When you have a fear of speed…

Throughout our lives we’ve always had to do things we never really wanted to do. We had to clean our rooms, eat our vegetables, visit the relatives we never really liked and be nice to our siblings. In many cases, these feelings of doing things we never like to do transfers over to us when…

When a crash hits close to home…

One of the things I enjoy about heading up to the cottage for a vacation each year is the actual drive itself. Spending five hours behind the wheel with family creates good conversation and a relaxing time for me. Time at the cottage is very relaxing as well and we can’t wait to get there,…

Are you a risk taker?

Are you a risk taker? I know that’s a bold question, but one I think we need to ask ourselves from time to time. Smart risk takers in business grow their business and do well for themselves. Is there such a thing as a smart risk taker when it comes to driving? Let’s face facts;…

Hips don’t lie…and neither do wheels

I try to live my life in a proactive manner. You know, buying things before I need them, preparing for the worst before the worst happens. I do my best, but sometimes that doesn’t always happen. I take driving the same way. Why wait until the last moment to do something you know you should…

Setting up the side mirror – things to think about

This is the second part of a two-part series discussing side mirror setup. This isn’t about which is better and who should win this “battle”. It’s about making an informed choice to keep you, your passengers, your vehicle and other road users safe while driving. If you missed the first part, here it is;…

Setting up the side mirrors – part one

Sometimes change is good. Doing the same thing all the time can become quite boring at times, so switching things up to add spice in our lives can be a good thing. However, change just for the sake of change isn’t always a good thing. We have to weigh out the advantages and disadvantages with…