Category: pedestrian safety

Can you learn by your mistakes?

There’s an old saying that I know we’ve all heard before. Actually, I’m pretty sure there’s more than one old saying, but this one is a good one. I’m referring to “I learn by my mistakes”. I’ve learned many things by my mistakes. More importantly, I’ve learned what not to do many times over. That’s…

Take a day to remember…

Remember when you first learned to drive? It was a huge part of every person’s life. It meant freedom to come and go as you please. It even meant the chance of getting a job because the job required you to have a driver’s license. With this freedom came responsibility. Abuse of this responsibility means…

Don’t forget your lunch!

Staying focused on things we’re doing can quite often be a challenge. We get so sidetracked in what we’re doing that we sometimes forget to complete our original tasks. Have you ever felt that way? You know; you start a task but end up doing something else and at some point you know you’ve forgotten…


For regular readers you’ll know my passion for safer roads. I try to allow drivers to think about possible situations before they happen so they can be mentally ready to respond. I talk about cyclist, pedestrians and not just drivers and their passengers. I think this time I need to go back to pedestrians. We’ve…

Pay attention for shiny things

Pay attention! We’ve all heard that from our parents when we were kids and we’ve all said that to our kids as parents. There’s something about not always paying attention to what we’re doing that gets us in trouble. One of my kids gets distracted often and we have to keep reminding him to watch…

How helpful are reverse cameras?

Modern technology has helped our society move forward in many different ways. This technology helps us enjoy life differently than we did 5, 10 or even 20 years ago. We have things now that help life to become more enjoyable, such as cell phones, laptops, digital cameras and webcams. As a driver, do we also…

Owning up to your mistakes takes courage

I have a guilty conscience. I always have and I’m pretty sure I always will. My kids have the same, which is a really good trait as far as I’m concerned. I’ll admit fault when I’m guilty and apologize when I’m wrong. I know I’m not alone with this feeling. Do you act the same…

Keep a wide eye for pedestrians

It’s been a fear for many parents; how do you teach your kids to cross the street safely? We do our best to show them how drivers may not see them walking through the crosswalk. We always try to get them to cross at the corners and avoid crossing in the middle of the block….