When it comes to driving, you may not know enough

I think it’s pretty safe to say that most people want to do their best with whatever they attempt to do. Whether it’s their job, their hobbies or anything else in their life, I think it’s not so common they attempt to be bad at it. Even cooking meals, they attempt to do their best so they and others can enjoy it. Do you think driving a vehicle falls into this category? I think many do want to be a good driver and many will say they are a good driver. Just ask them. But can they improve on their current skills?

As the old saying goes; ‘you only know what you know’. From the day they got your driver’s license, most drivers tend to gain experience and opinions each time they drive. Sometimes they may pick up different driving habits and opinions while watching others drive, by reading informative articles and from watching videos, but that’s about it. But what if you really wanted to improve your driving ability? How would you go about it?

The first step to improve your driving skills is realizing you can really benefit from updated information. Even if you took professional driving lessons when you first learned to drive, things change over time and that includes your memory of what you were taught and how you drove at the beginning. Your instructor taught you what they knew and you were happy as they helped you pass your road test, but did they know everything you needed to progress as a driver?

Think of it this way. Let’s say you had a gym membership and your personal trainer had you feeling good and you were happy with their program. You felt you knew everything there was for your fitness program. You even felt you could become a fitness trainer with all the experience you gained. But then they left and you received a new personal trainer. They taught you things you had never heard or had seen before. You were feeling even better. How is that even possible? Didn’t you already know everything?

Transfer this scenario to driving. Many drivers feel they know pretty much everything there is when it comes to driving safely, but there can be “new” information they haven’t even considered before. It’s not that it’s new information. It’s more like “new to me” information. That’s where a professional driver improvement program comes in. Different trainers can teach you different skills. Limiting your skill set to your own knowledge would be a serious mistake.

Although there are many people who were taught to drive by family or friends, it surely doesn’t mean they have all the skills any driver needs. It just means the skills their family member or friend gave them were the same skills the family member or friend has. Now there are 2 of you. Following the rules of the road and obeying the traffic laws does not always keep you safe on the road. Knowing how to be a proactive driver keeps you ahead of the problems on the road. After all, we do have to drive with so many others on the road.

Taking advanced driver training lessons after you’ve been driving for years isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of strength. It shows that you’re being a smart, educated driver who knows that you are always learning. Embrace the fact that there are programs like this available in most jurisdictions. If you’re concerned about the cost of a few advanced lessons, compare that cost to the cost after a collision.

**Have a quick listen to this short podcast episode as it discusses further how you can become a better driver!