What if a driver’s re-test was an actual thing?

It’s been known that habits never go away; they just change. Sometimes, that could be the problem with too many drivers on the road. They often forget what they were originally taught prior to getting their driver’s license. Sometimes the habit changes and they end up doing something risky, illegal or just plain wrong. But how do you keep drivers safe on the roads and refresh their knowledge base at the same time?

Many companies elect to send their drivers to a driver improvement program. I’ve talked about this previously, but is that enough? Those drivers are a very small percentage of all licensed drivers across our land. But I really do believe we need to reach more of the driving population. What if driver re-testing was brought into the fold? How would you feel about it?

I believe many drivers would feel threatened if this happened. But what would cause those feelings? They may feel threatened that they may lose their driver’s license. Fear of being told they are not driving safely enough may also be the case. Or perhaps it’s a fear of someone with authority finding out the truth about their driving. Maybe a truth they had deep down inside their sole. I guess only they would know the truth, but there really are positive results from having driver re-testing every five years or so.

Yes, I’m suggesting it’s every five years. I’m not suggesting it happens on an annual basis. I’m suggesting it happen prior to renewing your driver’s license; often enough to keep you on your toes. Drivers could do the road test a couple months before the renewal so if they do not pass, there is time to re-book another road test but also time to take a few professional lessons to correct their major errors.

Now, before you get all hot and bothered about this, take a deep breath and think about the other positive outcomes. If you find out you were doing something dangerous without realizing it, wouldn’t you want to correct it before you crashed your vehicle and got hurt…or worse? If more people began to drive safer and less collisions happened on the road, would insurance rates drop? If not, perhaps they would no go up as quickly since there would be fewer claims.

I’ve taken out many licensed drivers over the years who either needed a refresher because of a government road test, their company sent them or their family suggested it. Many of those drivers learned or relearned things they were not doing. They often said they never knew them or that they did at the start of their driving career but had forgotten or had gotten lazy.

I know I’m not going to get too many people agreeing with this idea, but there are so many positive outcomes if drivers became less aggressive, stopped speeding, remembered more rules of the road and stopped pretending they know everything about driving. Because if you did, you would have nothing to worry about if you got re-tested behind the wheel.

**Have a quick listen to this short episode of the “Speed Bumps” safe driving podcast as driver’s re-tests is discussed further**